B Model |

13 July 2012 |
RAAF Camouflage
livery -Fictional C Model |

01 April 12 |
RAF Night Camo - tribute the Lysander
C Model |

23 April 2012 |
Rapid Air Lines corporation NC 306H. 1933-1934 Named: "Aksaben Comet". -
Home base of OPS -Omaha, NE. B Model |

3 September 12 |
Republic Oil Co. – NC 5885,
1930,C/N 8. Home base of OPS: Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. B Model |

29 September 12 |
Richfield Oil Co., NC-4097,
painted BLUE & YELLOW. Home base of OPS: Los Angeles, California. C/N
6, 2/28, flown in the 1928 Ford Reliability Air Tour. B Model |

29 September 12 |
S.A.F.E Southwest Air Fast Express NC7429
B Model |

13 April 2012 |
Societa Aerea Mediterranea (S.A.M.) - Italy - I-ONIO - Base of OPS:
Rome, Italy.
B Model |

24 November 12 |
Santa Maria Airlines - Santa Maria, CA
B Model |

27 April 2012 |
SCADTA (Columbia) - special
tribute - (Flying services since 1919) C-44, named 'Medellin' (1931). Base
of OPS: Bogota, Columbia. B Model |

24 November 12 |
Shell Oil Company
B Model |

01 April 12 |
Shell Oil Company of Australia
B Model |

15 July 2012 |
Sidney Schwartz -Fictional -
Fun Livery as a tribute to his outstanding contributions to the simming
C Model |

01 April 12 |
Southern Air Transport Flying Service (SAT), NC 307H, (1930-31), base of
OPS: Fort Worth, Texas. C/N: 76 5/29. See Ford repaint.
Repainters choice on colors – Ford repaint adapted! Flyable Model B.
Model |

12 October 12 |
Skarzynski took off from Okecie, Warsaw
on 27th of April 1933 in his RWD-5bis monoplane. His goal was to cross
the South Atlantic and visit Brasil and Argentina. After taking off, he
flew to France, then to Spain, Morocco, Mauretania and Senegal. On the
7th of May 1933, he took off to Maceio, Brasil and he reached that city
on the next day in the evening after 20 hour flight.
C Model |

15 August 12 |
Standard Airlines - NC 9724 - Dec 1928. B Model |

15 August 122 |
Standard Oil Company
(Total Repaint of older May 2011 version) NC7440N
Full polished metal effect on this one.
Revamped and replaced with new Aircraft Number and
new artwork
C Model |

20 November 12 |
Standard Oil Company -
C/n: 117 1929. Base of OPS: NYC,NY.
NC-105-N (1929-33).
This aircraft later revamped to the Stanavo Eagle style.
B Model |

22 November 12 |
Standard Oil Development Company, C/n: 117 1929. Base of OPS: NYC,NY.
NC-105-N (1929-33). Stanavo Eagle in Red and White trim with full length
simulated eagle paint job. this aircraft did not make the NYC to
Norway flight or continue on around the world flight. B Model |

20 November 12 |
Standard Oil Development Company, C/n: 118 1929. Base of OPS: NYC,NY.
NC-106-N (1929-33). also a Stanavo
Eagle paint job but different registration and C/N from above aircraft.
The Pilots Name was Major E.E. Aldrin - the registration was later changed
to NR 869 E for the Around the World Flight in 6/1933 which Crashed in Siberia 6/33. B Model |

20 November 12 |
Standard Oil Development Company, C/n: 118 1929. Base of OPS: NYC,NY.
NR-896-E (1929-33). Revamped and
registration change for Around the World Flight (6/1933) Pilot James J. Mattern.
Crashed in Siberia 6/33.B Model |

20 November 12 |
Swedish Air Lines - A.B. Aerotransport - S-AZAA - Named: 'Wellensittich'
- Base of OPS: Stockholm, Sweden. B Model with 4 windows each side. |

24 November 12 |
TATA Air Lines VT-AKD, Home base of OPS - Bombay, India. B Model |

3 September 12 |
Texas Air Transport Flying Service - NC 306H, Home base of OPS - Dallas,
TX. B Model |

17 September 12 |
Texaco Oil Company NC7955 - artistic
creation of a C model for the Texaco Fleet
C Model |

13 April 2012 |
Texaco Oil Company, Named “Texaco 2”, NC 7162, used by head of the
company, Mr. Burt E. Hull for business trips from 1928-1931. C/n: 12
8-30-28. See photo Also additional info & details on page 187 of NR7955
Lockheed Air Express. Apply to TEXACO 2 NC 7162. B
Model |

18 November 12 |
Texaco Oil Company, Named “Texaco 5”, NR 7955, . See photo Also additional info & details on
page 187 of NR7955 Lockheed Air Express. Apply to TEXACO 5 NR 7955. B
Model |

2 December 12 |
Tribute to TEXACO No. 13 -
the Frank Hawks Type R racer.
This SPECIAL interpretive tribute is to Pilot Frank M. Hawks (28 Mar
1897-23 Aug 1938), custom aircraft ‘Texaco No. 13’, and to Travel Air Type
R Mystery Ships (this one was number 4 of 5 built). This is a tribute -
not an actual/specific aircraft.
C Model |

01 October 12 |
Transcontinential & Western Air Inc. (TWA), NC 624E – Base of OPS – NYC,
NY. Flew four Vegas from 1931 to 1937. B Model |

3 September 12 |
Transportes Aereos Centros Americanos De Costa Rica – (TACA
de Costa Rica) – TI-62, Painted Red. Home base of OPS – San Jose, Costa
Rica. B Model |

17 September 12 |
Transportes Aereos de Chiapas, S.A., (TACSA) - XA-BAM. 1935-42 B Model |

17 September 12 |
“Transportes Aereos Gelabert Y Cia”, Panama City, Panama, 1937-1940.
RX-14. C/n:81 6/28/29. Semi-military group in Panama. Use flag
of Panama on rudder. Two cabin windows.B Model |

18 November 12 |
‘ Tris Zvaigznes’ (Three Stars) YL-ABA, 20 Oct 1936 to Jul 1937, SOLO
flight from Riga, Latvia to Tokyo, Japan and back by Herbert Cukurs.
C/N:114 9/29.
Base of OPS: Riga, Latvia. The list of
places visited seems incomplete at multiple web sites......he did reach
Tokyo and started back, but no dates or places after Shanghai,
China....strange. Original aircraft designed and built by Mr. Cukurs!!
Model |

12 October 12 |
Tropical Air Transport - AN-ABP. Home base of OPS - Managua, Nicaragua C Model |

24 August 12 |
“True Story Magazine” – C/N
19 9/4/28. NX-7430. Painted PURPLE with GOLD lettering with GOLD Rudder
and GOLD wings.
Crashed in Indiana 9/13/28. B Model |

29 September 12 |
United Air Service - NC 32E - HQ Burbank, California. 1929. B Model |

15 August 12 |
Universal Air Lines NC7953
B Model |

13 April 2012 |
U.S. Airways - NC 9304 - HQ Kansas City, Kansas. 1930. B Model |

15 August 12 |
U.S. Air Transport (Washington-New York Airlines) - NC 9424 - May 1929.
C Model |

15 August 12 |
USAAC - Speed Vega - super
polished metal Vega - Fastest USAAC aircraft of it's time (221mph) "No
loaded aircraft every flew so far, so fast" - L.A. to Tolu, KY., 1740mi.
7hr 20min - 10 Mar 31. Pilot - Ira C. Eaker, Capt. Aircraft averaged
240mph at 16000ft. Lockheed DL-1B Special 600hp Super WASP.
B Model |

29 September 12 |
USAAC - Y1C-12, AC31-405 B Model |

17 September 12 |
USAAC - Y1C-12, AC31-405
Alternative to above using a Tan Theme.
Has USAAC on upper left wing and Serial
Number on upper right wing. Using the Decal to display the serial number
and hide the mirrored USAAC.B Model |

15 October 12 |
USAAF - UC-101, 294148
(World War 2) Early Period of WWII
Last Vega manufactured - in service
with Camo scheme.See Notes below in the Mid War Version.
B Model |

17 September 12 |
USAAF - UC-101, 294148
(World War 2) Mid Period of WWII
Last Vega manufactured - revamped to
polished metal.
Notes: Early in WWII this aircraft was sold to Army Engineer's Los
Angeles District by Don Marshall (Lockheed Representative at Dallas). Army
put it up for sale prior to end of WWII and Don Marshall bought this
aircraft back and sold it again through a broker for a good profit.
B Model |

17 September 12 |
US Army
Minor update - changed serial number on
fuselage 26Sep12B Model |

26Sept12 |
US Coast Guard
B Model |

30 April 2012 |
US Navy
B Model |

30 April 2012 |
Vanhatupa Wanhis Cargo -
Registration number of: OH-RIM – Home base HELSINKI, FINLAND
- Hard working aircraft effects applied.
C Model |

23 November 12 |
Varney Air Transport -VAT (Southwest Division)- NC6526. Home base of OPS
- El Paso, TX. Flew five Vegas. B Model |

7 September 12 |
Vegemite - Fictional - Fun
Livery for famous Australian "must have" spread. Thing most
requested from home by Aussies who are overseas for extended periods. :-)
C Model |

01 April 12 |
Wearnes Air Services Ltd. - VR-SAW, Yellow with Dark GREEN trim.
Home base of OPS – Singapore. C Model |

17 September 12 |
Wearnes Air Services Ltd. - VR-SAV, Yellow with Dark GREEN trim - 2
windows. Home base of OPS – Singapore. B Model |

17 September 12 |
Wedell-Williams Air Service NC197E
B Model |

23 April 2012 |
West Australian Airlines
B Model |

13 July 2012 |
Western Air Express, NC
327N, 1929-1932, Base of OPS: (United Airport) Burbank, California. C/N:
91 7/1929. (3 windows.) C.A.M. 4. B
Model |

12 October 12 |
Western Air Express (2), NC
126M, 1932-1934, Base of OPS: (United Airport) Burbank, California.
C/N:164 1930. (4 windows.) A.M. 12 & A.M. 33. B
Model |

12 October 12 |
Wilson Airways - VP-KAB
B Model - Updated - change Rego - 19 Feb 2013 |

19 February 2013 |
Wyoming Air Service Inc.- NC
230Y,Home base of OPS - Casper, WY, 1935-38.
B Model |

17 September 12 |
Yankee Doodle, X 4769 (race
number 44), C/N: 7 3/15/28. Owned by Harry J. Tucker, Base of OPS: Santa
Monica, California (1928),
Made first nonstop flight L.A. – N.Y.C. 8/19-20/28; first air plane to fly
nonstop in both directions; first to fly nonstop coast-to-coast with a
passenger. Crashed near Palace Station, Arizona, 11/3/28, Harry J. Tucker
& pilot Charles Collyer killed.B
Model |

12 October 12 |