Special Packages for
the VEGA 5 |
World Livery Packs |

Package containing all NON
USA liveries - a 61 livery pack
containing liveries for 35
different countries in the world. Several new ones not previously
released are included - including a comprehensive and detailed
aircraft.cfg file with meaningful descriptions for each livery. |
Textures and aircraft.cfg 59mb


Package containing all
USA liveries - a
100 livery pack
containing liveries for USA only. Including a comprehensive and detailed aircraft.cfg file with meaningful descriptions for each livery.
Shockwave Lighting added. |
Textures and aircraft.cfg


Package containing all
Fantasy/Fiction liveries - a
32 livery pack
containing vibrant and fun liveries. Including a comprehensive and detailed aircraft.cfg file with meaningful descriptions for each livery.
Shockwave Lighting added. |
Textures and aircraft.cfg 40mb


Click image above for
Slideshow |
Full Pack - all liveries created by the Project Team and
aircraft.cfg file

Full Pack of All above textures - Plus Various Paint Kits and Several
Airlines with multiple entries using appropriate aircraft numbers.
232 Liveries |
Updated 04Jul14
Full Pack and
aircraft.cfg -193mb

Master Blanks for both the B
and C Models
Sorry these are reserved for ongoing development by Garry J. Smith
Several Paint Kits included in the Full Pack download above |
Sorry |
Adventure Travel Africa
(ATA), VP-KAB, (1935-38), base of OPS: Nairobi,
Kenya. C/N: 41 1928.
No ATA on wing tops. ZEBRA stripes on part of fuselage!!
Model |

12 October 12 |
Aeroput - Yugoslavia - YU-SAA. B Model |

18 August 12 |
Aer Lingus - (1931-37) - EI-ABI - Base of OPS: Dublin, Irish Free State.
B Model with only 4 windows per side |

23 April 2012 |
Air Express Corporation NC891E
Polished Metal livery
Tail Number Artwork updated 20SEP12
B Model with only 3 windows per side |

23 April 2012 |
Air Express Corporation -
Version 2 - “Fastest Service Coast To Coast”
C/N 73 – 1932-33. Base of OPS: NYC, NY. NC 891E. Polished metalB Model |

29 September 12 |
Alaska Costal Airlines, 1942-58. N47M. C/N; 99 9/29. Home base of OPS:
Juneau, Alaska. Painted dark BLUE with YELLOW trim. Named: “Nugget”.
Crashed near Tenakee, Alaska 1/15/1958. See complete history on page 219.
Model |

13 November 12 |
Alaska Star Airlines,
1942/44. NC 162W, C/n:128 7/30. Base of OPS: Anchorage, AK. B
Model |

12 October 12 |
Alaska-Washington Airways
SPECIAL 7 Pack - NC338H - NC432E - NC657E -
NC200E -
NC974H - NC102W - NC103W
Zip file contains 7 sets of different liveries for installation of any or all of the
Alaska-Washington Airways aircraft - each has a different "NAME",
registration number and Manufacture numberB Model |

01 December 12
5.8mb |
Amelia Earhart
B Model |

01 April 12 |
American Airways NC77426
B Model |

20 April 2012 |
American-Lithuanian Trans-Atlantic Flight.
Assn. Chicago – (1935) NR 926Y, C/n: 134, 1930. Painted WHITE with GOLD
trim, named
“Lituanica II” - attempted nonstop flight N.Y.C. – Kaunas, Lithuania.
Crashed in Ireland 9/22/35. Later rebuild and served in Lithuanian Air
force (1935 – ?) - Artistic rendition.
B Model |

30 November 12 |
“American Airways”. NC
7953, (1931), American Airways Inc., Base of OPS; Roberton, MO. C/n:23
12/1928. AMERICAN AIRWAYS above the logo is WHITE as is the U.S.
MAIL on the fuselage.
B Model |

29 September 12 |
Argentina Government R-48
B Model |

27 April 2012 |
Arrowhead International Airlines - Saint
Paul, WI NC 7894
B Model |

27 April 2012 |
Asiatic Petroleum Company (Survey Service) - VR-SAX, 1936, Home base of
OPS - Kallanc airport, Sinapore. Joint venture between Shell & Royal
Dutch. “Asiatic Petroleum Company” – HQ in Shanghai, China.
C Model |

3 September 12 |
Australian Air Service Ltd.
B Model |

13 July 2012 |
Australia National Airlines
B Model |

13 July 2012 |
B.F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio, NC 308H, 1929-31, C/N: 5/29.Painted WHITE
with BLACK trim. Named: “Miss Silvertown”, participated in 1929 and
1930 NAR events. See page: 165 bottom photo page 86.
Model |

13 November 12 |
Bluebird Air Services NC959Y
C Model |

23 April 2012 |
Bluegrass Airlines, NC
20784, Base of OPS: Bowling Green, Kentucky
(1944-?). C/N; 131 1930. Flyable model B. Passengers. B
Model |

12 October 12 |
Bowen Air Lines N160W
B Model |

23 April 2012 |
Braniff Airways Inc. (Silver Streak) 1934, NC 8495, Air Mail AM 9-15 B Model |

17 September 12 |
Braniff Airways NC106W
B Model |

20 April 2012 |
Bush Flying Unlimited - For
the Bush Flying Unlimited VA Group
C Model |

09 April 2012 |
Bush Flying Unlimited - For
the Bush Flying Unlimited VA Group
B Model |

09 April 2012 |
Canadian Airways, Ltd. –CF-AAL. (1931-36) Home base of OPS – Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada. B Model |

17 September 12 |
Canadian-American Airlines - NC2875. Flew two Vegas. 1929. Home base of
OPS - Minneapolis, MN. B Model |

6 September 12 |
Canadian-American Airlines, NC 857E, (1929-30), C/N: 64 5/29. Base of OPS:
Minneapolis, Minnesota. Route up to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Red and
white. 2nd Edition.
Model |

12 October 12 |
Canadian Pacific Airlines CF-ALL
C Model |

13 April 2012 |
Capitol Speed Lines - NC 6526. White & Red. Home base of OPS - San
Bruno, CA. 1933 - 1934. Flew two Vegas. B Model |

17 September 12 |
C.A.T. -Coropracion Aeronautica de
Transportes - Mexico SA.XA-BAM
B Model |

20 April 2012 |
Central Airlines
B Model |

01 April 12 |
Checker Air Cargo
B Model |

30 April 2012 |
Chicago-Detroit Airlines Inc." - NC606. March 1929. Home base of OPS -
Chicago, IL. C
Model |

7 September 12 |
Christmas 2012 Special -
just a fun livery to celebrate Christmas 2012 B Model |

3 December 12 |
“City of New York” –
NR-500-V, painted Maroon with Cream trim and Silver lettering. “Good Will
Flight” - “Round the world”. Crashed in New Foundland 8-3-1930.
Maroon Wings B Model |

29 September 12 |
“City of New York” –
NR-500-V, painted Maroon with Cream trim and Silver lettering. “Good Will
Flight” - “Round the world”. Crashed in New Foundland 8-3-1930.
White Wings B Model |

29 September 12 |
CLS - Czech, OK-AAH . B Model |

18 August 12 |
Club plane – LY-LAU – VEGA model B with two cabin windows. (LAK) =
Lietuvos Aero Klubas/Kaunas. Use the “Lithuanian Aero Club badge”
from LY-LAS. C/N: 43
NOTE: March 24, 1922: annexation of Vilnius Region from Lithuania
the capital Vilnius was forcibly annexed by Poland, Kaunas became the
temporary capital of Lithuania, a position it held until 28 October 1939,
when the Red Army handed Vilnius back to Lithuania.
Model |

12 October 12 |
CMDASA - Cia Mexicana de Aviacian S.A. - XA-BAY
- Base of OPS: Mexico City, Mexico.
B Model |

27 November 12 |
CNAC - #211
B Model |

18 July 2012 |
Continental Air Express NC77428
B Model |

20 April 2012 |
Continental Air Express - NC 7428, 1928-30 - Home base of OPS - Los
Angeles, CA -alternative theme to version released 20 April 1012. B Model |

17 September 12 |
Continental Oil Company (CONOCO) - NC 12282, 1933/34 Ponca City,
Tweaked 19SEP12 - gold trim turned to
white - green cowl and nose addedB Model |

19 September 12 |
C Model |

17 July 2012 |
Cromwell Air Line - NC 7805, Home base of OPS - San Angelo, Texas. Flew
two Vegas 1929 - 1932. B Model |

17 September 12 |
CSA - Czech, OK-ALH. B Model |

18 August 12 |
Cuban Navy – Vega model B with three windows. C/N: 46 1929. Dark blue 54.
Dark blue engine cowling with light blue wings and fuselage,
Cuban flag colors on rudder. Use roundels from Cuban Navy Ford Tri-Motor.
Top and bottom of wings.
Model |

12 October 12 |
Deer Valley Flying Club
C Model |

15 July 2012 |
Delta Air Service – NC 9930 with C.A.M. 24. Home base of OPS – 1929.
Monroe, Louisiana B Model |

3 September 12 |
Deruluft, German - D-427 - named "Zobel" B Model |

18 August 12 |
Deruluft, Russian - URSS-305. B Model |

18 August 12 |
DET Norske Luft Fartselskap or D.N.L. – LN-ABD. Home base of OPS - Oslo,
Norway B Model |

3 September 12 |
Detroit News
B Model |

01 April 12 |
C Model |

17 July 2012 |
Ed Moore - Fictional fun
livery as a tribute to his FS2004 contributions to the simming community
C Model |

01 April 12 |
Embry Riddle (C.A.M. 24) - NC7162
B Model |

17 July 2012 |
Emma - Double Trouble -Emma
Airways Inc., NC 22581, Base of OPS: Emma Field, Washington. USA. Flyable
model C. Cargo/Express.
C Model |

12 October 12 |
Empressa Nacional de Tranportes and Aerovias - ENTA - TI-20 Costa Rica
C Model |

15 August 12 |
Eurasia Aviation Group - China - EU-VI (1935) - Base of OPS: Shanghai,
China. B
Model |

27 November 12 |
Finnish Airlines - AERO-OY - OH-ALC - Base of OPS: Helsinki, Finland -
Named: 'Suomi' C
Model |

27 November 12 |
Free City of DANZIG - DZ-44. Home base of OPS - Danzig, Poland. C
Model |

7 September 12 |
Free City of DANZIG - DZ-112. Home base of OPS - Danzig, Poland. B
Model |

7 September 12 |
General Electric Co., N 174D, (1957-62), restricted operation in antiradar
testing. Home base of OPS: Schenectady, N.Y., Painted all white
with ORANGE (Day glow ORANGE) band on rudder and ORANGE (Day glow ORANGE)
band around engine (see photo page 216 top right). Large GE logo on bottom
of right wing only. Registration on TOP right wing and BOTTOM left wing.
Model |

13 November 12 |
General Tire & Rubber Co. - NC 393H Home base of OPS – Akron, Ohio. B Model |

17 September 12 |
Goebel Racer - Col. Arthur
C. Goebel, Los Angeles, California (1930-36), modified to one place for
1930 NAR. Registration: NR 7954,
RACING number 62. Mostly painted Yellow with trim color Black.
B Model |

29 September 12 |
Gray Goose Airlines - NC1631. Home base of OPS - Chicago, IL. B Model |

6 September 12 |
Gulf Oil Co. – NR 1050, "GULFWINDS"
, Base of OPS: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1933-1944
C Model |

29 September 12 |
Gulf Coast Airways - NC8029 - C.A.M. 29 & 23 - Include both C.A.M. route
numbers on the single flyable repaint. Dec 1928. B Model |

15 August 12 |
Halliburton Company - NC-7429. Personal plane of Erle P. Halliburton,
(1928-31),Duncan, Oklahoma named "The Tester". See page 183, drawing with
colors & details.Also see page 45, photo at top of page.
Model |

13 November 12 |
Halloween Vega - just a fun livery - very loud but visually entertaining
celebration of Halloween.
Model |

12 October 12 |
Hanford Airlines Inc. – NC 49N. Home base of OPS – Sioux City, Iowa.
Flew six Vegas from 1932 to 1938. B Model |

17 September 12 |
Hanfords TSAL Airlines Inc. – NC 49M. Home base of OPS – Sioux City, Iowa.
Flew six Vegas from 1932 to 1938. B Model |

17 September 12 |
Holyman's Airways Ltd
B Model |

13 July 2012 |