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Finnish Airlines - AERO-OY
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

13 September 11 |
Firestone Company
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

12 August 11 |
Florida Airways CAM 10
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

17 June 11 |
Ford - (Fiction)
- Just a tinker to create a Ford advertisement aircraft
With added nose art |

8 June 11 |
Ford Alternative FORD livery
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Ford Air Freight 1 CAM 6
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Ford Air Freight 2 CAM 7
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
Zip File Updated 27 July 11 |

8 June 11 |
Ford Air Freight 3 CAM ( NO NUMBER)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Golden (Fiction) - A fictional push on reflective effects
with a golden touch. Very shiny and visually pleasing livery. |

8 June 11 |
Golden State Airways
Los Angeles California
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

30 August 11 |
Gorst Air Transport Inc. Seattle
Seattle, Washington
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

16 July 11 |
Gorst Air Transport Inc. San Francisco
Seattle, Washington
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

31 July 11 |
Gorst Air Transport Inc. San Diego
Seattle, Washington
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

31 July 11 |
Gorst Air Transport Inc. Key West
Seattle, Washington
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

31 July 11 |
Gorst Air Transport Inc. CorpusChristi
Seattle, Washington
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

03 Aug 11 |
Gorst Air Transport Inc. Boston
Seattle, Washington
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

31 July 11 |
Grand Canyon Airlines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

17 August 11 |
Gray Goose Air Lines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
Zip File Updated 27 July 11 |

27 June 11 |
Gulf Coast Airways 1 CAM 29
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Gulf Coast Airways 2 CAM 23
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Gulf Oil Company
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

30 August 11 |
Hanford Airlines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

10 June 11 |
Hanfords Tri-State Air Lines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

23 August 11 |
Holden Air Transport Service (Australia)
Tribute to Leslie Holden (ACE in WWI as just one of his many
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
(Updated) |

22 Feb 12 |
Holden Air Transport Service (Australia)
One of Leslie Holden's aircraft in Papua New Guinea service.
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

28 July 11 |
Holyman's Airways PTY. LTD. (Australia)
Tribute to Sir Ivan Holyman
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

17 September 11 |
Compania Anonima de
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

08 September 11 |
Imperial Airways
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

28 June 11 |
Indian National Airways Ltd.
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
Update - Changed Flag 9 Nov 11 |

16 September 11 |
Inman Bros. Flying Circus
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

18 July 11 |
Instone Airways (British)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

28 June 11 |
Inter-Island Airways Hawaii
CAM (no number)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Interstate Airlines Inc. CAM 30
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

16 July 11 |
Island Airlines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

12 August 11 |
Jefferson Airways
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

29 August 11 |
Johnson Flying Service
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
JSOC Tribute (Fiction) - A fictional tribute to those that
served in the JSOC.
Updated to honor 22 SEALS that were lost to
enemy action in Afghanistan on 6 Aug 2011
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

07 Aug 11 |
Kenya African Safari (Fiction)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

23 July 11 |
Kenyon Transport Company
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

25 August 11 |
KLM Netherlands
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
Update - Flag added to Rudder |

27 June 11 |
Knowles Air-Ways
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

23 June 11 |
Knox and Tyce Flying Service
Tribute to Tyce who was killed by enemy action at Pearl Harbor on 7 Dec 41
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

18 July 11 |
Kohler Aviation Corporation
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

11 June 11 |
Landmark (Fiction) - an attempt to create a historical
Landmark theme.
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Linea Aeropostal Venezolana
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

23 July 11 |
Lineas Aereas Del Estado - Argentina
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

04 July 11 |
Lineas Aereas Mexicanas, S.A. - Mexico
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

03 July 11 |
Lineas Aereas Occidentales, S.A. - LAO - Mexico
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

31 July 11 |
Lloyd Aereo Boliviano (LAB)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

01 July 11 |
Linea Aeropostal Santigo-Arica - Chile
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

10 September 11 |
Linile Aeriene Romane
Exploate cu Statu (L.A.R.E.S.)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

17 September 11 |
Long and Harman Air Lines Inc. CAM 15
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

06 July 11 |
Mackenzie Air Services - (Canada)
The gold and green line
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

18 July 11 |
MacRobertson Miller Airlines (Australia)
With added nose art
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
(Updated) |

19 Feb 12 |
With added nose art
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Magyar Legiforgalmi-MALERT (Hungary)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

16 September 11 |
Main Flying Services Inc.
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

06 July 11 |
Mamer Air Transport (Services)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

10 June 11 |
Manchuria Aviation Co.
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

13 September 11 |
Martz Airlines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
Update - Flag added to Rudder |

18 June 11 |
Mason-Dixon Airlines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

08 Aug 11 |
Mayflower Airlines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

13 June 11 |
McConachie Air Transport - Canada
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

31 July 11 |
Mene Grande Oil Company, C.A - Venezuela
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

25 August 11 |
Metropolitan Air Ferry Service - "Air Ferry"
operated by Curtiss-Wright Flying Service, Inc
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

14 July 11 |
Michigan Air Express
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
Update - Flag added to Rudder |

23 June 11 |
Mid Continent Airlines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

04 July 11 |
Middle East Airlines - Lebanon
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

14 September 11 |
Misr Airlines (MISR AIRWORK)
Egyptian Air Lines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

19 September 11 |
Misty Moorings - Clean
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

05 Aug 11 |
Misty Moorings - Used and Abused
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

05 Aug 11 |
Mohawk Airways
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

12 August 11 |
Moore Freight - (Fiction)
Super dirty old freighter |

27 July 11 |
National Air Transport CAM 17
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
National Parks Airways CAM 26
Polished metal effect
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore
Update - Flag added to Rudder |

8 June 11 |
New England Airways Ltd (Australia)
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

01 July 11 |
New England & Western Airways
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

11 June 11 |
New York Airways
With added nose art
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

20 July 11 |
Northern Air Lines
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

26 August 11 |
Northern Air Transport - Alaska
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

27 July 11 |
Northern Air Transport - Alaska
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Northern Air Transport - Yukon version
Commissioned by Edwards C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
Northern Airways LTD, - Canada
Polished metal effect
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

12 August 11 |
Northwest Airways Inc. CAM 9
Polished metal effect
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

8 June 11 |
NYRBA Line New York, Rio, and Buenos Aires Line Inc.
Commissioned by Edward C. Moore |

03 July 11 |